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ISiM Industry Talk Series on Entrepreneurship (6) “Challenges, Successes, Survival, & Incarnations for an Entrepreneur” By Mr. A. Sadhasivam CEO Ignis Aerospace & Design Pvt. Ltd.
July 6, 2012 @ 1:30 pm
Mr. Sadhasivam will bring his rich experience of 20 plus years, as the General Manager of Wipro Tech Pvt., Mysore, Co-founder and COO of Majoris Soft Tech Pvt., Bangalore, Director of Preva Test Solutions Pvt., Bangalore, and currently as CEO of Ingnis Aerospace Ltd., to talk about the daunting uncertainties of becoming an entrepreneur, its life-cycle, and what attributes contribute to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Speaker Bio:
A.Sadhasivam, with 40 years of IT industry experience has significant experience of building organizations from scratch. He has spent 10 years of his career at ECIL in Design; Development and Testing. He was instrumental in developing Automated Testing Systems (ATS) for in-house needs and also for Indian Navy. He was the head of micro-computer design and manufacturing activity for a premier IT organization at a time when computer was just a buzz word for most of us.
Subsequently, he had joined Wipro and contributed unmatched value to the company for over 20 years. He was responsible for bringing out the first computer from WIPRO and subsequently managed the Engineering and Manufacturing operations for next 10 years. He was a key member involved in technology transfers from USA, Taiwan and Japan for various IT products.
Sadhasivam was CEO of Wipro’s System Engineering Division catering to country’s Defense, Space and Atomic Energy units and built it to be one of the most successful and profitable business unit. He has worked on several strategic programs of Defense, BARC and NAL. He is regarded as the pioneer in popularizing barcodes in the country.
He was the key brain behind establishing the Testing Division of Wipro and nurtured it for 3 years. This division, as strategic business unit of Wipro, has bloomed in to US $ 500 Million revenue and 7000 employees.
His stint as the Founder, Director and COO of Majoris Systems was quite remarkable. He has developed first smartcard based payment systems, resulting in a business of Rs.30 Million in a year.
He has a BE from Coimbatore Inst. of Technology and holds MBA degree from University of Mysore, Management Studies. He is a recipient of Visveshwariah Award by Institution of Engineers for contribution to Computer Engineering. He is widely respected in the industry as an able administrator and nurturing green field organization and building them to international size.